Thursday, October 30, 2008


Title says it all really. Was going along ok for the month...gettin to grips with 400nl then came the disaster as you can see on the graph. I'd say at leasy 1k of the downswing is pure tilt, where I valuetown donks for 2 streets and then they shove the river when the board pairs and I tilt call just to verify they have trips (they do). I really played shit for the last 5k hands and paid for it. Dropped to 200nl there today after dropping 1.2k at 400nl and then got stacked twice with QQ aipf. When it rains it pours obv. Pretty much feel like breaking stuff now and had the usual thoughts of withdrawing the lot. Standard. That'll subside in a few days and I'll start afresh for November and hopefully not spew so much. I might just play 200nl coz I'm so fucking bad and sick of donating at 400nl for now. Now its time for an exceptionally large beer and to find a bit of perspective on the fact that I'm enraged that I 'only' netted $2k (after RB etc) for playing a game on the PC for the month.

1 comment:

Samuel said...

Yep, no matter how many times it happens. It never fails to feel like crap when your downswining and worse knowingly playing bad. Just have take a break and come back feeling refreshed. Gl