Got off to another good start at $50nl this week making $200 over 2k hands so I decided to have a shot at $100nl. I only managed 1300 hands before the end of the week, but found that it was very tight. The tables I was at ended up having a players-saw-flop of 21% total, which it pretty brutal. I normally play a lot on weekend mornings so maybe thats just a bad time at these stakes. I played OK. For the first days play I was just about to quit up around $30 when I got it in with 66 on a 6J5J board vs. AJ naturally the river was an A for a higher full house and a $237 pot was pushed to him; not what I needed! So I played on and ended up finishing down around $120. Second session was breakeven. I think its beatable, just have to get better at beating the regulars which there seems to be a lot of. I'll stay up for another 3 or 4 buyins, and I'll mix in some $50nl when the games are $100nl are quiet.
Weekly Stats for Week 7:
Hands: 3385 (incl 1308 at $100nl)
VP$IP: 16.4% <----too tight!
PFR: 12.6%
AF: 2.45 (4.21/1.71/0.66) <----River still bad
Att. To Steal: 23.3%
W$WSF: 38.38%
Total Won/Lost:
$81.28 (4.17 ptbb/100)
Cashback and Bonus: Approx $88
Net Profit/Loss:
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